
Ready to work with me?
Here are some of my published works besides ghostwritten projects. I create content for SaaS brands, Martech brands, Finance, publish marketing case studies, and write content on all aspects of digital marketing.

Martech Articles

I’ve created several great content pieces for Martech brands. These pieces cover very vital subject matters and are driven with data, quality research, collaboration with experts and great writing.

Case studies

I write compelling marketing case studies of startups and businesses growing in different niches.

SaaS round up tools/Comparison Posts

Got a SaaS tool? I write great comparison posts with detailed overview of each tool. If you also want to drive sign ups creative A Vs B tool, do hit me up toom

Technical Articles — Cybersecurity tech niche

You might wonder if I’ve got wings everywhere. Oh well, yes! I’ve delved deep the technical industry too.